Gloria Hall
Publicado: Boletín American Cooperative School. Vol III. No. 1 11/1991
Bolivian children´s author, Gladys Dávalos Arze
Gloria Hall
Publicado en el boletín de la American Cooperative School en noviembre de 1991 – Vol.III No.1
One of the pleasures of the Library Media Educators Association General Conference at ACS (American Cooperative School) in La Paz this November was getting to know new local children´s literature people. One of these was a Bolivian children´s author, Gladys Dávalos Arze.
The following is a summary of “La muela del diablo y otros cuentitos diferentes” by Gladys Dávalos Arze:
“La muela del diablo is a book” of 26 pages, beautifully and colorfully illustrated by Aída Arze Méndez in which five wonderful fairy tales are told.
The first one, from which the book has got its name, “La muela del diablo”, is dedicated to La Paz, to that marvelous landscape of the same name, south of the city, and to the paceño kids especially. Children are intrigued and fascinated by ...